How to know something we cannot observe?
By Bayes' rule:
Pr(z,N|θ) = θz (1 - θ)N-z
(conjugate) prior
Pr(θ|a,b) = beta(θ|a,b) = θ(a-1)(1-θ)(b-1)/B(a,b)
Posterior, conveniently:
Pr(θ|z,N) = beta(θ|z+a, N - z + b)
Q: What is Pr(0.4<θ<0.6)?
A: Pr(θ<0.6) - Pr(θ<0.4)
(let [a-prior 5 b-prior 5 z 1 N 10 a-post (+ a-prior z) b-post (+ b-prior (- N z))] (- (beta-cdf a-post b-post 0.6) (beta-cdf a-post b-post 0.4)))
(def result (atom (with-default-bayadera (let [a 5 b 5 z 1 N 10] (with-release [prior-dist (beta a b) prior-sampler (sampler prior-dist) prior-sample (dataset (sample! prior-sampler)) prior-pdf (pdf prior-dist prior-sample) post (posterior (posterior-model (:binomial likelihoods) (:beta distributions))) post-dist (post (sv (op (binomial-lik-params N z) (beta-params a b)))) post-sampler (time (doto (sampler post-dist) (mix!))) post-sample (dataset (sample! post-sampler)) post-pdf (scal! (/ 1.0 (evidence post-dist prior-sample)) (pdf post-dist post-sample))] {:prior {:sample (native (row (p/data prior-sample) 0)) :pdf (native prior-pdf)} :posterior {:sample (native (row (p/data post-sample) 0)) :pdf (native post-pdf)}})))))
(defn read-data [in-file] (loop [c 0 data (drop 1 (csv/read-csv in-file)) hw (transient [])] (if data (let [[_ h w] (first data)] (recur (inc c) (next data) (-> hw (conj! (double (read-string h))) (conj! (double (read-string w)))))) (op [c] (persistent! hw))))) (def params-300 (sv (read-data (slurp (io/file "ht-wt-data-300.csv")))))
(def rlr-source (slurp (io/file "robust-linear-regression.h"))) (def rlr-prior (cl-distribution-model [(:gaussian source-library) (:uniform source-library) (:exponential source-library) (:t source-library) rlr-source] :name "rlr" :mcmc-logpdf "rlr_mcmc_logpdf" :params-size 7 :dimension 4)) (defn rlr-likelihood [n] (cl-likelihood-model rlr-source :name "rlr" :params-size n))
REAL rlr_loglik(__constant const REAL* params, REAL* x) { const REAL nu = x[0]; const REAL b0 = x[1]; const REAL b1 = x[2]; const REAL sigma = x[3]; const uint n = (uint)params[0]; const bool valid = (0.0f < nu) && (0.0f < sigma); if (valid) { const REAL scale = t_log_scale(nu, sigma); REAL res = 0.0; for (uint i = 0; i < n; i = i+2) { res += t_log_unscaled(nu, b0 + b1 * params[i+1], sigma, params[i+2]) + scale; } return res; } return NAN; }
REAL rlr_logpdf(__constant const REAL* params, REAL* x) { return exponential_log(params[0], x[0] - 1) + gaussian_log(params[1], params[2], x[1]) + gaussian_log(params[3], params[4], x[2]) + uniform_log(params[5], params[6], x[3]); }
(def result (atom (with-default-bayadera (with-release [prior (distribution rlr-prior) prior-dist (prior (sv 10 -100 100 5 10 0.001 1000)) post (posterior "rlr_300" (rlr-likelihood (dim params-300)) prior-dist) post-dist (post params-300) post-sampler (sampler post-dist {:limits (sge 2 4 [1 10 -400 100 0 20 0.01 100])})] (mix! post-sampler {:step 384}) (histogram! post-sampler 1000)))))
(defn var-plot [] (plot2d (qa/current-applet) {:width 480 :height 240})) (defn setup [] (q/background 0) (q/image (show (render-histogram (var-plot) @result 1)) 0 0) (q/image (show (render-histogram (var-plot) @result 2)) 480 0) (q/image (show (render-histogram (var-plot) @result 3)) 0 260) (q/image (show (render-histogram (var-plot) @result 0)) 480 260) (q/save "robust-linear-regression.png")) #_(q/defsketch diagrams :renderer :p2d :size :fullscreen :setup setup :middleware [pause-on-error])
Posteriors: β0, β1,σ, and ν
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