Clojure is not afraid of the GPU

Dragan Djuric

[email protected]

Dragan Djuric

My Hammock


Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

  • lisp
  • Emacs
  • native libraries
  • Graphical Processing Units

Clojure is great!

  • Dynamic and fast
  • First-class functions
  • Great abstractions and data structures
  • Many useful libraries
  • Even more experimental libraries
  • Access to Java and the JVM
  • Hey, the community is amazing!

Good at number crunching?

  • Good? maybe.
  • Great? NO!
  • JVM - no access to hardware-specific optimizations
  • We can make it great!

CPU is not so great either!

  • R, Python? Even worse than Java.
  • C? complicated, verbose platform-specific optimizations.
  • CPU? too beefed-up. Burns as the Sun!

GPU has a lot to offer …at a price

  • many dumb computing units
  • but, power-efficient for number crunching
  • hardware support for massive parallelism
  • faster and cheaper each year
  • notoriously difficult to program


monadic and other fluorescent fuzzy little things
take control of the GPU, CPU, and accelerators from Clojure
vectors and matrices, but optimized for CPU and GPU
high performance Bayesian statistics and data analysis on the GPU

Hello world: dot product

\begin{gather*} \vec{x} = [x_1, x_2,\ldots, x_n]\\ \vec{y} = [y_1, y_2,\ldots, y_n]\\ \vec{x} \cdot \vec{y} = \sum_{i=1}^n x_i y_i \end{gather*}

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  • \(O(n)\): linear, one loop
  • \(2n\) FLOPS, \(2n\) reads

Idiomatic Clojure

(let [dot-product (fn [xs ys]
                    (reduce + (map * xs ys)))

      x-vec (vec (range 100000))
      y-vec (vec (range 100000))]

  (dot-product x-vec y-vec))

Execution time: 14 ms


(let [dot-product (fn [xs ys]
                    (loop [res 0.0
                           x (first xs) xs (next xs)
                           y (first ys) ys (next ys)]
                      (if (and x y)
                        (recur  (+ res (* (double x) (double y)))
                                (first xs) (next xs)
                                (first ys) (next ys))

      x (vec (range 100000))
      y (vec (range 100000))]

  (dot-product x y))

Execution time: 2 ms

Intermezzo: Fluokitten

  • "Monadic" functions in Clojure
  • preserve the type of arguments
  • fold (a more versatile reduction)
  • fmap
  • foldmap: map/reduce
  • …and much more…
(use 'uncomplicate.fluokitten.core)
(let [x-vec (vec (range 100000))
      y-vec (vec (range 100000))]

  (foldmap + 0.0 * x-vec y-vec))

Execution time: 4 ms (2.5 ms with primitive fn)

Primitive Java arrays

(let [dot-product (fn ^double [^doubles xs ^doubles ys]
                      (let [n (alength xs)]
                        (loop [i 0 res 0.0]
                          (if (< i n)
                            (recur (inc i) (+ res (* (aget xs i)
                                                     (aget ys i))))

        x-arr (double-array (range 100000))
        y-arr (double-array (range 100000))]

  (dot-product x-arr y-arr))

Execution time: 76 μs

Neanderthal: using optimized library

(use '(uncomplicate.neanderthal core native))
(let [x (dv (range 100000))
      y (copy x)]

  (dot x y))
  • Execution time (single thread!): 32 μs
  • what a disappointment :(
  • patience, please…

Neanderthal: a taste of GPU

(use 'uncomplicate.clojurecl.core)
(use 'uncomplicate.neanderthal.opencl)
(use 'uncomplicate.commons.core)
    (with-release [gpu-x (clv (range 100000))
                   gpu-y (copy gpu-x)]

      (dot gpu-x gpu-y))))
  • Execution time: 327 μs
  • Something is surely not right here!

Sending a fleet to catch a few shrimps

  • parallelization suitability
    • map :)
    • reduce :(
  • fixed GPU calling costs (dozen(s) μs)
  • programming complexity!

Hello (a slightly larger) world

\begin{gather*} C_{m\times n} = A_{m\times r}\, B_{r\times n}\\ c_{ij} = \sum_{k=1}^r a_{ik} b_{kj}\,.\\ c_{ij} = \vec{a_i}\cdot \vec{b_j}\,! \end{gather*}
  • \(O(mnr)\) (qubic, triple nested loop)
  • \(2mnr\) FLOPS, complex read/write patterns

Idiomatic(?) Clojure

Adapted from Rosetta Code (realize seqs with doall).

(let [transpose (fn [s]
                  (doall (apply map vector s)))
      nested-for (fn [f x y]
                   (doall (map (fn [a]
                                 (doall (map (fn [b]
                                               (f a b))
      matrix-mult (fn [a b]
                    (nested-for (fn [x y] (reduce + (map * x y)))
                                (transpose b)))

      ma-vec (vec (take 64 (cycle [(take 64 (cycle [1 2 3 4]))])))
      mb-vec (vec (take 64 (cycle [(take 64 (cycle [4 3 2 1]))])))]

  (matrix-mult ma-vec mb-vec))

Execution time (a small matrix!): 40 ms

Neanderthal to the rescue

(let [a (sge 64 64 (take (* 64 64) (cycle [1 2 3])))
      b (copy a)]

  (mm a b))

Quick comparison

\(n\times{}n\) Neanderthal Optimized Java \(\times\)
2 \(\times\) 2 118 ns 57 ns 0.49
4 \(\times\) 4 143 ns 132 ns 0.93
16 \(\times\) 16 1.1 μs 3.8 μs 3.44
64 \(\times\) 64 47 μs 211 μs 4.46
128 \(\times\) 128 191 μs 1.6 ms 8.14
256 \(\times\) 256 639 μs 12 ms 18.85
1024 \(\times\) 1024 38 ms 751 ms 19.77
2048 \(\times\) 2048 288 ms 6 sec 20.91
8192 \(\times\) 8192 18 sec 6 min 20.62

Huge matrices

    (with-release [cpu-a (sge 8192 8192 (take (* 64 64) (cycle [1 2 3])))
                   cpu-b (copy cpu-a)
                   cpu-c (zero cpu-a)
                   gpu-a (transfer! cpu-a (clge 8192 8192))
                   gpu-b (transfer! cpu-b (clge 8192 8192))
                   gpu-c (zero gpu-a)]

      ;;(mm! cpu-a cpu-b cpu-c) ;;18 seconds!
      (mm! gpu-a gpu-b gpu-c)
      ;;GPU calls are asynchronous, measure with finish!
      #_(finish!) ))

Execution time (8192× 8192):

  • Neanderthal CPU (i7-4790k): 17885 ms
  • Neanderthal GPU (AMD Radeon R9 290X): 293 ms
    • 60× faster than native CPU
    • 1200× faster than optimized Java
    • vs "idiomatic" Clojure?…many orders of magnitude

… and much more reusable stuff

  • subvectors
  • submatrices
  • columns/rows of (sub)matrices
  • subvectors of columns/rows of (sub)matrices
  • strides
  • edge cases
  • don't forget memory size!

So What?

  • Is that it? A bunch of math-y operations?
  • Do I need those?
    • often you do, even if you do not see it at first :)
    • get standard operations for free
  • But I also need to implement unique algorithm X…
    • THAT is the point of all this!
    • ClojureCL to the rescue

Hello Raw GPU


Regular Hello World ~ 170 lines of code!

ClojureCL to the rescue

  • OpenCL & ClojureCL
  • main concepts
    • platforms, devices, contexts, queues, programs
    • kernels
    • buffers
    • memory: global, local, and private
  • enqueuing kernels
    • parallel mapping - easy!
    • (parallel) reduction - (not so) hard!
  • Learning: examples from the book - in Clojure!
  • example: dot product in ClojureCL

Mapping: a kernel for \(x_i y_i\)

__kernel void multiply (__global float* acc,
                        __global float* x,
                        __global float* y) {

    uint id = get_global_id(0);
    acc[id] = x[id] * y[id];

Fire it off - this is the whole program!

(with-release [dev (first (sort-by-cl-version (devices (first (platforms)))))
               ctx (context [dev])
               cqueue (command-queue ctx dev)]
  (let [cnt 5 size (* 4 cnt) work-sizes (work-size [cnt])
        result (float-array cnt)
        program-source (slurp ( ""))]
    (with-release [cl-x (cl-buffer ctx size :read-only)
                   cl-y (cl-buffer ctx size :read-only)
                   cl-acc (cl-buffer ctx size :read-write)
                   prog (build-program!
                         (program-with-source ctx [program-source]))
                   multiply-kernel (kernel prog "multiply")]

      (enq-write! cqueue cl-x (float-array [1 2 3 4 5]))
      (enq-write! cqueue cl-y (float-array [0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5]))
      (set-args! multiply-kernel cl-acc cl-x cl-y)
      (enq-nd! cqueue multiply-kernel work-sizes)
      (enq-read! cqueue cl-acc result)
      (seq result))))
0.5 3.0 7.5 14.0 22.5

Reducing: a kernel for \(\sum_{i=1}^n\)

__kernel void sum_reduction (__global float* acc) {
    const float sum = work_group_reduction_sum(acc[get_global_id(0)]);
    if (get_local_id(0) == 0) {
        acc[get_group_id(0)] = sum;

__kernel void multiply_reduce (__global float* acc,
                               __global float* x,
                               __global float* y) {

    uint id = get_global_id(0);
    float sum = work_group_reduction_sum(x[id] * y[id]);
    if (get_local_id(0) == 0) {
        acc[get_group_id(0)] = sum;

Enqueuing reduction

(use 'uncomplicate.clojurecl.toolbox)
  (let [cnt 5 size (* 4 cnt) work-sizes (work-size [cnt])
        program-sources [(slurp (
                         (slurp ( ""))]]
    (with-release [cl-x (cl-buffer *context* size :read-only)
                   cl-y (cl-buffer *context* size :read-only)
                   cl-acc (cl-buffer *context* size :read-write)
                   prog (build-program!
                         (program-with-source *context* program-sources)
                         "-cl-std=CL2.0 -DREAL=float -DACCUMULATOR=float" nil)
                   multiply-kernel (kernel prog "multiply_reduce")
                   sum-reduction-kernel (kernel prog "sum_reduction")]

      (enq-write! *command-queue* cl-x (float-array [1 2 3 4 5]))
      (enq-write! *command-queue* cl-y (float-array [0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5]))
      (set-args! multiply-kernel cl-acc cl-x cl-y)
      (set-args! sum-reduction-kernel cl-acc)
      (enq-reduce *command-queue* multiply-kernel sum-reduction-kernel cnt 256)
      (enq-read-float *command-queue* cl-acc))))


  • a Clojure library
    • highly opinionated - Bayesian
    • probabilistic
    • need to NOT be super slow - thus GPU
    • actually is the fastest I have seen
  • use cases:
    • Bayesian data analysis (more stats-oriented)
    • a foundation for machine learning algorithms
    • lots of statistical number crunching
    • risk assessment, decision analysis, etc.

The Goal

  • programmers are the first-class citizens
  • NOT a "me too, just in clojure"
  • different and better (for what I want to do)

Bayes rule

Going backwards, from results to possible causes!

\begin{equation*} \Pr(H|D) = \frac{\Pr(D|H)\times \Pr(H)}{\Pr(D)} \end{equation*}

\begin{equation*} posterior = \frac{likelihood\times prior}{evidence} \end{equation*}

Looks simple and easy!

HARD to compute


\begin{equation*} \Pr(\vec{h}|\vec{d}) = \frac{\prod_i f(\vec{d_i},\vec{h})\times g(\vec{h})}{\idotsint \prod_i f(\vec{d_i},\vec{h})\,d \vec{h}} \end{equation*}


\begin{equation*} answer = \frac{hard\times acceptable}{impossible} \end{equation*}

Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)

  • a family of simulation algorithms
  • draws samples from unknown probability distributions
  • (enough) samples approximate the distribution
\begin{equation*} \Pr(\vec{h}|\vec{d}) \propto \exp \left(\sum_i \log f(\vec{d_i},\vec{h}) + \log g(\vec{h})\right) \end{equation*}


\begin{equation*} answer \propto zillions \times (hard\times acceptable) \end{equation*}

Log likelihood

REAL rlr_loglik(__constant const REAL* params, REAL* x) {
    const REAL nu = x[0];
    const REAL b0 = x[1];
    const REAL b1 = x[2];
    const REAL sigma = x[3];
    const uint n = (uint)params[0];
    const bool valid = (0.0f < nu) && (0.0f < sigma);
    if (valid) {
        const REAL scale = t_log_scale(nu, sigma);
        REAL res = 0.0;
        for (uint i = 0; i < n; i = i+2) {
            res += t_log_unscaled(nu, b0 + b1 * params[i+1],
                                  sigma, params[i+2])
                + scale;
        return res;
    return NAN;

Log prior

REAL rlr_mcmc_logpdf(__constant const REAL* params, REAL* x) {
    const bool valid = (1.0f < x[0]);
    if (valid) {
        return exponential_log_unscaled(params[0], x[0] - 1)
            + gaussian_log_unscaled(params[1], params[2], x[1])
            + gaussian_log_unscaled(params[3], params[4], x[2])
            + uniform_log(params[5], params[6], x[3]);
    return NAN;


Calling it from Clojure

(def rlr-prior
   [(:gaussian source-library) (:uniform source-library)
    (:exponential source-library) (:t source-library)
    (slurp (io/resource "uncomplicate/bayadera/examples/dbda/ch17/robust-linear-regression.h"))]
   :name "rlr" :mcmc-logpdf "rlr_mcmc_logpdf" :params-size 7 :dimension 4))

(defn rlr-likelihood [n]
  (cl-likelihood-model (slurp (io/resource "uncomplicate/bayadera/examples/dbda/ch17/robust-linear-regression.h"))
                       :name "rlr" :params-size n))

(defn analysis []
      [prior (distribution rlr-prior)
       prior-dist (prior (sv 10 -100 100 5 10 0.001 1000))
       post (posterior "rlr_300"
                       (rlr-likelihood (dim params-300))
       post-dist (post-300 params-300)
       post-sampler (sampler post-300-dist
                             {:limits (sge 2 4 [1 10 -400 100 0 20 0.01 100])})]

      (mix! post-sampler {:step 384})
      (histogram! post-sampler 1000))))

How fast is it?

MCMC is sequential by nature - it is very difficult to transfer to GPU

  • Bayadera
    • 61,208,576 samples in 267 ms.
    • 4.36 ns per sample
      • each computing statistical function 306 times.
    • very precise histogram
  • JAGS/Stan (state-of-the-art bayesian C++ tools)
    • 20,000 samples in 180/485 seconds
    • 9 ms per sample
    • rough histogram
  • 2,000,000 × faster per sample
  • more precise results, 1000 × faster

Clojure (only \(likelihood \times prior\))

(defn log-likelihood [params x]
  (let [nu (entry x 0) b0 (entry x 1) b1 (entry x 2) sigma (entry x 3) n (dim params)]
    (if (and (< 0.0 nu) (< 0.0 sigma))
      (let [scale (t-log-scale nu sigma)]
        (loop [i 0 res 0.0]
          (if (< i n)
            (recur (+ i 2)
                   (+ res scale (t-log-unscaled nu (+ b0 (* b1 (entry params i)))
                                                sigma (entry params (inc i)))))

(defn log-prior [params x]
  (if (< 1.0 (entry x 0))
    (+ (exponential-log-pdf (entry params 0) (dec (entry x 0)))
       (gaussian-log-pdf (entry params 1) (entry params 2) (entry x 1))
       (gaussian-log-pdf (entry params 3) (entry params 4) (entry x 2))
       (uniform-log-pdf (entry params 5) (entry params 6) (entry x 3)))

(defn posterior-unscaled [params x]
  (let [n (entry params 0)]
    (+ (log-likelihood (subvector params 1 n) x)
       (log-prior (subvector params (inc n) (- (dim params) n 1)) x))))

Unfair comparison - still much faster

Probability density function evaluation

  • GPU
    • including read/write to memory
    • 100,000,000 in 260 ms
    • 2.6 ns per element
  • JVM
    • just naive reevaluation /w same arguments from cache
    • 100,000 in 430 ms
    • 4.3 μs per element

1650 × faster!



  • No bayesian functionality
  • Deadly slow
  • Trivial example: 100,000,000 samples from gaussian: 27 seconds


  • 4 ms
  • 7,000 faster

In real life

  • 1 second vs a couple of hours
  • 1 minute vs several days!
  • 1 hour vs couple months/ a year

Thank You

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